The interdisciplinary field of bioengineering combines elements of engineering systems and design with the life sciences to develop solutions to biological and medical problems.

The Bioengineering focus area is flexible in that it enables students to explore the field from different perspectives. Lafayette’s array of bioengineering expertise includes biomolecular, biomechanical, and bioelectrical approaches, and the Bioengineering concentration allows students to develop their interests in any of these sub-areas while using the systems of the human body as the common thread. A biomolecular approach focuses on molecular and cellular systems, including tissue engineering and drug delivery. A biomechanical systems approach focuses on the mechanics and dynamics of macroscale biological systems, as well as applications in the designs of prosthetics and medical devices. A bioelectrical systems approach can span various length scales, from molecular-level electrophysiology, to organ systems and the design of health monitoring and/or diagnosis devices.

See typical 4-year schedule for the Bioengineering focus area
Required courses in bioengineering FOCUS AREA:
FACULTY ADVISORS FOR STUDENTS IN THE Bioengineering FOCUS AREA: Prof Ryan M. Van Horn, ChE; Prof chris ANDERSON, che

Faculty that do research in bioengineering: Prof C Anderson (ChE), Prof Rosario (ME), Prof Rao (ChE), Prof J Rossmann (ME), Prof Smith (ME), Prof Sun (ME), Prof Yu (ECE)